To help implement the vision described in the book, the BETTER THEIR WORLD STUDENT PROJECT DATABASE is a freely-available listing of completed and potential REAL-WORLD-STUDENT PROJECTS WITH Measurable Positive Impact (small or large) on the world. It is intended to stimulate students’ and teachers’ thinking about what today’s students can accomplish in the real world. The database is active on this site for you to use. It will soon be available on mobile devices as well
You can copy, modify, localize or re-do any of these projects (unless proprietary) to create your own Measurable Positive Impact on the world! We strongly encourage you to do so!
You can also submit projects you have done, know about (or that could potentially be done by students) for curation and inclusion in the database. The criteria are:
– Completely student done
– Having a positive measurable impact on the world, and not just on the doers. (This can be qualitative, but not zero. It is what distinguishes these projects from most of today’s made-up “Project=based Learning” (PBL).
The The primary goal for students is not “learning” but “accomplishing.” Learning, of course occurs — and is important — but it is a means to, and a by-product of, accomplishment, and not the end in itself.