Pictures, Bio, Description, Reviews, Graphics
Marc Prensky, coiner of the term “Digital Native,” is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, consultant and visionary in the field of education. Marc has spoken in 40 countries, authored seven books and published over 100 essays. Marc is currently the founder and Executive Director of the Global Future Education Foundation and Institute. Marc holds degrees from Oberlin, Middlebury, Yale, and the Harvard Business School. His next book, Education to Better Their World: Unleashing the Power of 21st Century Kids, will be published in August, 2016 by Teachers’ College Press. Contact Marc at
Book Description
In his seventh and most visionary book, internationally renowned educator and futurist Marc Prensky presents a compelling alternative to how and what we teach our children.
Prensky argues that a routinely taught combination of math, language arts, science, and social studies increasingly leaves the bulk of our students woefully unprepared for the future. Drawing on emerging world trends, he elaborates a comprehensive vision for K-12 education that includes new goals, new means, a new curriculum, a new kind of teaching, and a new use of technology.
What K-12 education should be about, says Prensky, is improving the world–and having individuals improve in the process.
This is a book ultimately about developing young people’s capacity to accomplish things that will make the world a better place, using means never before available. It offers an innovative and achievable vision for a Global Future Education that will better prepare students from all backgrounds.
Following the author’s original ideas about Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants, this volume promises to have an important impact on the educational conversations over the coming years.
Book Features:
* Documents and presents world-improving projects under implementation.
* Introduces new concepts of ”The MESS,” ”Applied Passion,” ”Apprenticeship to the World,” and ”Learning as a means to education (and not its goal).”
* Focuses on a broader curriculum with all the skills kids need.
* Shows how technology can truly support students.
* Details the changing role of the teacher and how teachers can evolve.
* Speaks to parents, politicians, and citizens as well as educators.
“Marc Prensky offers us a lucid, inspiring, optimistic, doable, and crucial blueprint for how we can build a future with the schools that children desperately need.”
JAMES PAUL GEE, Arizona State University
“Marc Prensky was always ahead of his time. This book is a goldmine and a powerful wakeup call.”
MICHAEL FULLAN, OISE/University of Toronto
“We need the better world Prensky envisions and we need it now.”
MILTON CHEN, The George Lucas Educational Foundation
“Prensky offers perhaps the most compelling case and model yet articulated by anyone for today’s globally empowered children.”
JAMES TRACEY, Rocky Hill School, RI
“Wow. As a takeaway it is good—very good.”
JOHN SEELY BROWN, Deloitte Center for the Edge
“It’s a great book. Filled with food for thought, common sense, provocative ideas, and it’s fun to read.”
NIEVES SEGOVIA, Institucion Educativa SEK (SEK International Schools)
The New Paradigm:
The New Curriculum:
The New Matrix:
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